Beetroot – Burpee’s Golden (Organic)


An unusual beetroot producing brilliant orangey yellow roots which mellow to a rich golden colour when cooked. Developed by breeders at the Burpee seed company in USA in the 1940s, it quickly became a hit with gardeners due to its sweeter and milder flavour compared to other beets.

It is a key ingredient in Ronja’s delicious raw beetroot salad!
(Approximate seed count – 150)

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When to sow: Feb – July

Spacing: 30 x 10cm

Beetroot tips: Early sowings can be made indoors in modules from February and transplanted 4-5 weeks later. From March seeds can be direct-sown with protection from frost. Maincrop beetroot is direct-sown outdoors from April. Seeds should be sown into soil with a reasonably fine tilth. Beetroot ‘seeds’ are clusters of seeds which means they will need thinning to achieve their final spacing (30cm between rows, 10cm in-row).

Additional information

Weight 0.005826 kg