Courgette – Solara (Organic)


A bright yellow variety producing an abundance of fruits over a long period. Solara is a fantastic modern open-pollinated yellow fruited courgette. We are really impressed with how productive and uniform this variety is compared to other yellow varieties we have tried and they taste superb. A couple of plants will keep you well fed throughout the summer.
(Approximate seed count – 20)

In stock


When to sow: Apr-May

Spacing: 1mx60cm

Courgette tips: Sow in pots indoors from April and plant out in May; or sow direct in May. Courgettes are very cold sensitive, so cover the plants with fleece if there is a danger of frost.
For an extended harvest do two sowings, one in April and one in early June.
Courgettes are hungry and benefit from a good dose of manure or compost added to the soil before planting.

Additional information

Weight 0.005019 kg