Iceland Poppy – Pink Fizz (Organic) ***NEW FOR 2024***


Eye-catching flowers with gentle fizzing tones of watermelon pink, white and apricot. These beauties are great as cut flowers or for filling borders with sumptous bursts of colour. this is a short lived hardy perennial often grown as a biennial here in the uk, flowering from June- August.

Best sown thinly under vermiculite or sand and watered from below as the seeds are very small, plant out as soon as 2 true leaves have formed, they do not like root disturbance so handle gently.
(Approximate seed count – 250)

In stock

When to sow: Sep/Feb-Apr

Spacing: 30 x 30cm

Iceland Poppy tips: For best results surface-sow into a seed tray and barely cover with compost or vermiculite. Bottom water until seeds germinate, prick out into modules once large enough to handle. Will benefit from bottom heat if sown early.

Additional information

Weight 0.002968 kg