Viola – Viola / Wild Pansy (Organic)


An old-time favourite with small violet, yellow and white coloured pansy-like blooms.. Viola tricolour, also known as wild pansy or heartsease, are small plants flowering throughout the season from April to September. They’re hardy, frost tolerant and self-seed easily. It is a delightful perennial that grows well in shady areas, beds, containers, rock gardens, edges, even walls and makes a beautiful cut flower.

It’s not just a charming beauty for its looks, it is also edible making the most beautiful garnish or addition to salads.

SKU: XVi Categories: , , Tags: ,

When to sow: March-May / Sep-Oct

Spacing: 15 x 15cm

Viola tips: Violas can be sown in autumn or spring and can be sown direct or in modules and planted out at final spacing.

They self seed easily and will come back again which saves buying seed every year!

Additional information

Weight 0.002841 kg
Packet size

Regular packet, Large pack