Corn Salad / Lamb’s Lettuce – (Organic)


An invaluable hardy winter salad for growing outdoors and under cover with a superb nutty flavour. Corn salad or lamb’s lettuce is a small annual plant that forms rosettes of dark green leaves which have a gentle nutty flavour, soft texture, and are extremely popular as salad greens. It provides a valuable source of fresh greens during the autumn and winter months as it is suitable for growing outdoors with little protection or under cover in the cold.

We are amazed by this plant’s hardiness and really enjoy growing it! Ronja grew up eating ‘Feldsalat’ (German for corn salad) almost every day during the winter months and wouldn’t want to live without it.

When to sow: July – Oct

Spacing: 25 x 15cm

Corn Salad tips: Sow corn salad between July and October for autumn, winter and early spring harvests. Seeds germinate best in cool, moist soil (5-15°C), but be patient – they can take up to 12 days to sprout. Sow in shallow drills or broadcast and cover lightly with soil. Ensure continuous harvest by sowing every 2-4 weeks.

Additional information

Weight 0.003926 kg
Packet size

Regular packet, Large pack