California Poppy (Organic)


A bright yellow/orange single flower of the Papaveracea (Poppy) family. It’s Latin name Escholzia Californica traces back to the physician Dr Johann Friedrich Eschscholz, who discovered and described the plant in 1815. Not only having its origins there, it also also became the state flower of California in 1890. It is quick to flower and will do so profusely for a long period of the summer until it sets seed. A real pleasure to have in the garden, especially in low-maintenance areas as it will just get on with doing its thing.
(Approximate seed count – 150)

In stock

When to sow: Sept-Oct/April

Spacing: 20x20cm

California poppy tips: Poppies do not like to have their roots disturbed so its best to sow them direct.
Seeds can be broadcast onto well-prepared ground from early April and raked in gently to cover the seeds. Alternatively they can be sown in drills 20cm apart and thinned. This way it is possible to use a hoe to weed in between the rows.
They should be placed in full sun.

Additional information

Weight 0.002734 kg