Chard – Perpetual spinach/ Erbette (Organic)


A traditional Italian variety with narrow leaves and a pale midrib. Perpetual spinach or beet leaf is actually a part of the chard family. It tastes similar to spinach but is slightly earthier in flavour.
Hardy, easy to grow and bolt-resistant in its first season it makes a good replacement for true spinach where growing conditions are difficult.
A very versatile cut-and-come-again leaf that can be used for salad mixes, as a leafy green in pies, pastry and pizza or just steamed or blanched on the side of your meal.


When to sow: Feb – Aug

Spacing: 25 x 25 cm

Perpetual Spinach tips: Direct sow in shallow drills of 1.5cm depth. When plants are 15cm high, thin to appropriate spacing.

Early sowings can be made in modules starting in February and then transplanted outside 4-5 weeks later to crop May onwards. Sowing after midsummer will provide you with leaves from autumn until the following spring.

Additional information

Weight 0.005992 kg
Packet size

Regular packet, Large pack