Peas – Golden Sweet (Organic)


Vigorous multicoloured plants with green leaves, red-magenta leaf nodes, cream-pink-purple-blue flowers and golden-yellow pods. Golden Sweet makes an unusual attraction in the pea patch. We love the extraordinary colour changes of the flower from cream to purple and blue when they mature. When the pods are still young they’re very sweet and crunchy, as the pods get bigger they’ll become more stringy which makes them better for cooking rather than eating raw.

It was a real pleasure growing Golden Sweet in our pea trial 2018 and observing all the different colours. We found that the whole plant has a golden glow to it once it starts flowering. It was probably one of the tastiest mangetouts that we had when picked young.


When to sow: March – May

Spacing: 3 x 30cm

Peas tips: A good tilth and firm seedbed is necessary. Direct sow once soil has started to warm up from late March. Sow in drills 3cm deep and 30cm apart. Tall pea varieties will need support, e.g. wires or pea sticks. Early sowings can be made indoors in pots and planted out to their final spacing.

Additional information

Weight 0.018498 kg
Packet size

Regular packet, Large pack