Peas – Sweet Horizon (Organic)


Mangetout pea variety with tasty, flat, almost stringless pods with a long harvest window. Sweet Horizon will grow up to 1.2m tall, producing large and very sweet pods over a long period of time. We found this variety to have good resistance to powdery mildew, and exquisite flavour either raw or cooked. We love grazing on mangetouts in the garden, so much so that they rarely make it to the cooking pot!
(Approximate seed count – 60)

In stock


When to sow: March – May

Spacing: 3 x 30cm

Peas tips: A good tilth and firm seedbed is necessary. Direct sow once soil has started to warm up from late March. Sow in drills 3cm deep and 30cm apart. Tall pea varieties will need support, e.g. wires or pea sticks. Early sowings can be made indoors in pots and planted out to their final spacing.

Additional information

Weight 0.01932 kg
Organic status

Organic, Ecologically produced