Poppy – Hungarian Blue (Organic)


An old variety with delicate purple silky flowers and large seed pods. This variety was traditionally grown for it’s delicious and nutritious seeds, often used in baking.

However it’s a true multipurpose crop producing beautiful flowers and dried seed heads which make a striking addition to flower arrangements.
(Approximate seed count – 500)

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SKU: XPoHB Categories: , Tags: ,

When to sow: Mar-Apr/Sept-Oct

Spacing: 20x20cm

Poppy tips: Sow directly, preferably in the autumn, where they are to grow. Just scatter the seeds by hand over the prepared soil or use shallow drills. Sow seeds thinly. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil or sand. Grow in any well-drained fertile soil in full sun. Poppies benefit from some space, so its good to thin them to 20cm between plants once they are established, but this is not essential.

Additional information

Weight 0.002753 kg