Tomato – Santiam Sunrise (Organic)


Delicious yellow-orange cherry tomato with fruits 2-3cm diameter . Santiam Sunrise is without a doubt one of the tastiest tomatoes we have ever encountered. It is Fred’s all time favourite for flavour. The fruits are 2-3cm across, growing on strong, stocky indeterminate vines.

Originally bred by the great Adaptive Seeds in the US as an open-pollinated alternative to the famous Sungold F1. The flavour is intensely fruity with a delicious zinginess. We recommend growing it under cover for best results. A real winner.
(Approximate seed count – 25)

Only 20 left in stock

Tomato growing calendar


When to sow: Jan-April

Spacing: 40 × 70cm

Tomato tips: Sow from end of January with a heated propagator, or in March without. Transplant into pots at 3-4 leaf stage and then transplant into final growing position in May. For outdoor growing plant after the last frost (mid – end of May).
Pots or growing bags are a popular growing system for gardeners, use at least 25cm pots for satisfactory results.

Additional information

Weight 0.002553 kg