Tomato – Sunfired Flare (Organic)


Medium sized beefsteak tomato with dark, almost black colours streaking down into orange and red. This productive indeterminate tomato variety was bred by fellow seed enthusiasts at Wild Mountain Seed in the US. The anthocyanins causing dark purple to black shoulders that stripe down into red and orange make them a real head turner.

They have a deep sweet and slightly acidic flavour. We have enjoyed them with our lunches simply with a bit of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt on toast, yet they make a great tomato sauce too.

(Approximate seed count – 20)

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Tomato growing calendar


When to sow: Jan–Apr

Spacing: 70x40cm

Tomato tips: Sow from end of January with a heated propagator, or in March without. Transplant into pots at 3-4 leaf stage and then transplant into final growing position in May. For outdoor growing plant after the last frost (mid – end of May).
Pots or growing bags are a popular growing system for gardeners, use at least 25cm pots for satisfactory results.

Additional information

Weight 0.002992 kg