Tomato Seeds

Growing suggestions for tomato seeds

Sow tomato seeds from end of January with a heated propagator, or in March without. Transplant into pots at 3-4 leaf stage and then transplant into final growing position in May. For outdoor growing plant after the last frost (mid – end of May). Pots or growing bags are a popular growing system for gardeners, use at least 25cm pots for satisfactory results.

Tomato growing calendar


Crop History

The wild relatives of the cultivated tomatoes that we know today are native to the Andes in South America. They were probably first cultivated by the Aztecs and Incas in 700AD. When tomatoes were brought to Spain and Europe, it was believed that they were poisonous and were therefore only grown for ornamental uses. Only in the 19th century commercial production of tomatoes began and they are the most widely grown ‘vegetable’ in the world today.

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