Ashwagandha (Organic)


Important herb from the Ayurvedic tradition with great health benefits.

A tender plant which grows in temperate climates as an annual. Ashwagandha is a well regarded medicinal herb from the Ayurvedic tradition. It is now widely used in Western herbal medicine as “adaptogen” and to support the body’s defences and resilience. It will grow undercover in a greenhouse, polytunnel or large pot in a conservatory. Roots can be harvested at the end of the season. Grows 80 – 120cm tall.

(Approximate seed count – 50)

In stock

When to sow: Mar-Apr

Spacing: 40x50cm

Ashwagandha sowing tips: For germination seeds prefer warmth and humidity. Best sown in spring in a tray or pot on a heated mat and covered in a plastic bag to maintain moisture. Once germinated prick out and plant out into final location after last frosts. It will start producing small red fruits at the end of the summer. This is when you can dig up the plants to harvest the roots.

Additional information

Weight .0030048 kg