Chilli – Ring of Fire (Organic)


An improved cayenne type chilli producing long pointy red fruits which pack a punch. This is one of our staple chilli varieties to grow. It is very reliable and does exactly what it says on the tin – for better or worse!
The plants are compact growing to 45cm, and produce an abundance of fruit 1cm wide and 6-7cm long. This variety measures 70-85,000 SHU on the Scoville Scale, which classes it in the hot but not unbearable heat range.

Chillies can be very easily frozen whole and then used as needed, we always make sure we grow enough so that we always have a supply.
(Approximate seed count – 20)

In stock


When to sow: Feb – April

Spacing: 45 x 45cm

Chilli tips: Sow seeds indoors with heat from February, the ideal temperature is 20°C. If sown in a seed tray, seeds can be pricked out into 10cm pots once they germinate, or if grown in plugs pot them on when they have two sets of true leaves. Transplant into final position in May, either under cover or in a sunny sheltered spot. Plants may need staking as they grow.

Additional information

Weight 0.003051 kg
Packet size

Regular packet, Large pack