Kale – Red Russian (Organic)


Recognisable by its flat, purple-tinged and tooth-shaped leaves; this kale is hardy, frost tolerant and very versatile. A productive plant, it reaches 90cm in height and can be harvested throughout the winter becoming sweeter after a frost. The tender young leaves are great in salads and larger leaves are attractive as well as delicious. This kale is so tasty you can eat it on its own, but it’s also a perfect addition to smoothies, salads and stir fries. You can get in the habit of adding it to most meals! In Scotland, kale used to be a mainstay of the traditional diet. So much so that to be “off one’s kail” means to feel too ill to eat.


When to sow: March – July

Spacing: 50 x 50cm

Kale tips: Sow from April in modules/pots and transplant after 4-5 weeks. Make sure to plant right up to the first true leaves and ‘firm-in’ in well when planting, as they will not be happy in loose soil.

Alternatively direct sow outdoors from May in drills 50cm apart and thin to final spacing. Thinnings are a delicious addition to salad.

Additional information

Weight 0.00382 kg
Packet size

Regular packet, Large pack