Onion – Stuttgarter (Organic)


Flat round yellow onion from Germany with excellent storage qualities. We are excited to be selling this onion originating in the South West of Germany where Ronja is from. This onion also named “Stuttgarter Giants” is of fine flavour and stores well into spring provided that they are kept cool and dry. We recommend growing them in clusters and thinning them out when the plants are spring onion size to be enjoyed as such.


When to sow: Jan – April

Spacing: 25 × 10cm

Onion tips: For the best onions sow in January indoors with heat. Alternatively they can be sown from February under cover. They should be transplanted in April to their final growing position.

Onions can also be direct-sown from March in drills 25cm apart, spacing seeds 1cm apart within the drill. They should then be thinned to 10cm spacing once established.

Additional information

Weight 0.0015708 kg
Packet size

Regular packet, Large pack