Radish – French Breakfast 2 (Organic)


Scarlet colour with white tips and a crisp mildly pungent flesh. If you were to eat a radish for breakfast, this would be the one. Cute in looks, sweet and mildly pungent in taste and with a succulent crunch, it makes a tasty healthy snack. Introduced in 1879 it became a seller on the Parisian markets and quickly spread around the world.

Growing it is pure pleasure because they are quick to mature and you can harvest them throughout summer. Best eaten simply, just sliced with some salt on it or mixed in with salad.
(Approximate seed count – 300)

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When to sow: Feb – Aug

Spacing: 2 x 15cm

Radish tips: Sow seeds directly in the soil. Outdoors from March under fleece, or under cover from mid February in rows 10-15cm apart. Useful for inter-cropping and catch-cropping or marking rows of slower germinating seeds.

Additional information

Weight 0.005041 kg